Selecting the Right Shade

Take the patient's shade at the beginning of the preparation appointment before preparing the teeth.  Having the patients mouth open causes the teeth to dehydrate, affecting the shade.  Also, at this point your eyes are relaxed and better able to determine subtle variations.  

Make sure the patient is not wearing bright colored clothes.  If necessary block out with a neutral bib (preferably grey).  Have patient remove any lipstick or tinted eyeglasses.

Natural daylight is best - daylight bulbs (6500K) also work well.  Operatory light should not be used.  

The shade should be determined quickly, since your eyes will tire within 5-7 seconds.  By refocusing on a neutral gray object, such as the shade guide holder, your eyes can refreshen for another shade comparison.  

The Vita Classic A-D Shade Guide is traditionally arranged by hue (color) and then by value (degree of brightness/darkness).  The hue (A-orange/brown, B-yellow, C-grey/brown or D-red) is chosen first and then value (1, 2, 3, 4) is selected. ALTERNATIVELY: Classic Shades can be arranged in a value-based order. For this approach we recommend this arrangement: B1, A1, B2, D2, A2, C1, C2, A3, B3, D3, B4, C3, A4, C4

The VITA 3D-Master Toothguide is arranged by value, then saturation and finally hue.  Shades are selected in that order by first finding the value, or lightness level, which ranges from 1-5.  Next saturation, or how much color, is determined using M1, M2 or M3.  Finally, the hue (M-neutral, L-yellow, or R-red) is selected.

For bleach shades we prefer Ivoclar's Bleach Shade Guide which has four tabs and offers a broader range of choices.

If there are any unique shade characteristics note these clearly on the RX.  If the case will require photos, please provide these as well.

After preparing the tooth for the restoration, a stump shade should be taken using Ivoclar's Natural Die Material Shade Guide.  If this is not available, you can turn the Vita Classic or 3D-Master shade guide tabs around and indicate which tab's dentin is closest to the stump.  

Over time shade tabs may degrade due to use and disinfection.  Replace as necessary. 

Shade Selection
©2013 Nichols Laboratory Inc.